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Rural Schools In The Past

Devon Sikora Ethics Rural Schools in the past Observed: I thought it was interesting how students went to school with the texts their families sent them with. What would happen in large families with a significant difference between oldest and youngest child? I imagine sharing would occur, only if they were in the same school room…if lucky. I find it interesting how so long ago our teaching habits were formed. Teachers moved to a mirror style of teaching, this is where you mirror what you previously experienced. This experience came from studying at their desk before reciting to their teacher…which still occurs this day. This all comes from a problem of what to teach, when to teach it, who to teach it to, and who is going to teach it to you. This problem has been improved since its original discovery in the late 18th century. Hopefully this issue will be remedied by the teaching of “good” moral teachings, among other things. I also observed that the parents in the community had such massive power in the community…because they were the community. I wonder how much things have changed since these days, if at all. Questions: How much has changed since this time of pure memorization and regurgitation? Where can we find an example of these types of schools today in the world? If there are any, what can we do to provide insight? I wonder how often a teacher would get mad for a student dozing off, and could you blame them? Do the parents of today have more say or less than in their time period? If the teachers were so uneducated then what did the administration look like? School district boundaries can be a pain, what is the difference in their affect today and back then since the improvement in transportation? Connection: I totally connected with the quote from several people saying how boring and drowsy classes can make you feel. Some classes can be very disengaging, but others can be very interesting. I also connected with the quote about teachers adjusting their desk according to the fireplace. Comfort and health should be first importance of everyone. Surprise: I thought it was interesting that they found it funny that whenever a school house is needed, that one would be built. At the most convenience to the contributor…classic. I liked how it was very insightful of how it was to be a student in this time period, I wonder what it was like for teachers. I imagine it was how it always has been. I also found interesting that the 3 exceptions to the “brutal” style of teaching, where physical correction had not been enforced. The first listed was a compassionate teacher….Isn’t this what all teachers should be. When that day comes, our education system will be improved.

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