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TLP Google Doc

W.E.B. Du Bois

Devon Sikora Notes: Ethics De Bois Observations: Education in the past was much harder to acquire than it is currently. Teachers faced racial tension/issues on a regular basis. Our education opportunities have improved drastically for all races and genders since De Bois’s period in time. Questions: What were some educational restrictions that De Bois faced? How did he conquer them? Or was he too limited in his opportunities? How can we as teachers include EVERYONE in everything we do? How limited are we in today’s education system? What limits us? How can we get around these limitations? Connections: I didn’t really connect with this reading. I totally understand the perspective, and how challenging it was. I didn’t connect with the emotion resonating from these readings. I could mentally depict the settings and all that took place. I can honestly say that the only part I “connected” with was the part where he discussed how dangerous it could be to fall asleep on a bench with no back…and how unforgiving the ground can be. Surprise: I wasn’t really surprised by anything. Sounds typical, sadly. We have come so far from this period in time. I feel we keep opening a wound that will never heal…because we don’t allow it to be. Wish I could write more.

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