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Modern Schooling

Devon Sikora Notes: Ethics Modern Schooling Observations: I like the parables told in the early 19th century article. I liked A good Reader because the king had to find multiple readers to help solve his problem. I also enjoyed that each story gave a reward for doing what should be expected. I liked that the horse owner gave the boy books for furthering his education, which had to help massively. Questions: Having so many articles about how bad corporal punishment was, are there many about its benefits? Are there any negative effects of teaching a more morally centered lifestyle? What has been the effect on teachers since the industrial revolution? What types of morals should be emphasized most? Connections: I connected with the story A good reader. I remember taking the computer part of the drivers’ license test at the DMV. The man next to me was looking for a good reader as well. Except he didn’t have any eye issue. I also connected with the foucaults reading. It mentions how by knowing our character we can learn more about others. This builds on empathy with is a part of my teaching philosophy. The day we move to team work will be the day of success. We are all in this world together, and plenty of good to go around. Surprise: I was surprised how interesting the parables were. They were meaningful and gives ideas for the future. Another shock was how difficult it was to read these articles. The past documents were much more captivating than these. All of these I found informative and insightful, but it carried on about the same thing for too long.

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