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Mary Wollstone

Devon Sikora Ethics Mary Wollstonecraft Feminism Observations: This reading was interesting to me. I liked how she felt about women and how she viewed inferiority. I noticed that she felt that the only thing worse than a man who says a woman is inferior is the woman that believes this. Questions: What type of inferiorities do men have under women? What cause these differences? How can we teach students to manage their inferiorities in order for them to be superior in many ways? When was the acceptance of women into industrial society? What were their main influences? What are we not able to do without the other? Connection: I really connected with her positivity towards how she felt about the status of women in society. It was energizing, and easy to get behind. Surprise: I was surprised to hear Mary’s mother died following childbirth. Amazing to think about how far our medicine, technology, and procedures have come. I enjoyed the reading, just not much to talk about.

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